Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Operation declutter

has started today! One of my big goals for this deployment was to get this house decluttered and organized. We have so much crap. I am a throw awayer and my husband is a pack rat. And some how we've created little hoarders. My oldest refuses to throw anything away (like her father) it get ridiculous. We're talking trash, paper scraps, random trinkets, news papers just random crap. I save her pictures she draws but the rest has got to go. The sad part is she doesn't even notice when I go in her room and declutter. So thankfully I'm not scaring her for life by throwing away her stuff. Today I'm tackling the playroom. The kids have more toys then they know what to do with and never play with any of them. I've already made a huge dent. I am determined to have this house organized before my husband comes home.

Off I go to throw more stuff away and add to my donate pile!


Anonymous said...

operation de-clutter is in full effect daily here at our household...HAHAHAHA

Jessica said...

haha yeah I'm trying to get rid of like everything so the house is empty and there is nothing left to clutter lol

Apryl said...

When you are done... you plan to come de-clutter my house, right? LOL

Apryl said...

PS We need PICTURES of your progress ;)

Jessica said...

I have severe ADD I saw a shiny object and my project was left unfinished and in a bigger mess then when I started. Damn ADD.