Sunday, March 25, 2012

Only during deployment

Is it that all hell breaks loose. My husband has been gone 2 weeks. In those 2 weeks I've had the sickest kids we've ever had. All 3 were so sick they were vomiting. Then they passed it to me. Now my son is sick again, that warranted a trip to the ER yesterday. Then after my trip to the ER and getting him comfortable at home, my youngest broke out in bumps that looked like chicken pox at first. I literally was thinking, why in the hell is Karma kicking my ass right now. What on earth have I done. Thankfully after some benadryl most of the bumps went away. I know we are only given what we can handle but man these last 2 wks have really sucked. I am so ready to get over this hump and move on. Sick kids are never fun, but dealing with it alone is not something I enjoy.

On a different note, my husbands ship is due to port soon. That means we'll be getting a phone call and will be able to skype with him. We are all super excited to get to talk to him. It seems like he's been gone far longer then 2 wks. We're so ready for this deployment to speed up. We got his first care package sent out and I will be starting on 2 more here soon. I'll be making another one for him and one for his shop. I know those guys would love some goodies. And I enjoy sending them stuff.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

1 week down

Well I've survived a week. WATCH OUT! lol one long week. During deployment I try and figure out what the best count down will be. Do I count day, weeks, months, paydays what? I personally like days. They always sound better then months. My friend has choose paydays. We are almost under 200 days WOOT! Anyways today I started my first care package of the deployment. With the help of the kids we got to work. First we painted the flaps so our artwork would stand out better. Then we decorated said flaps then added the goodies. I still have 2 things to add then off to the Post Office on Monday. My son who is about to be 5 picked out Pirate stickers. Before throwing them in the cart he said "know why I picked pirate stickers?" I said "No, why" he said "b/c daddies out their chootin pirates" lol how cute is that. I don't think daddy will be "chootin" many pirates this time since he's on a much bigger mission but I just nodded my head as he tossed them in the cart. Sometimes kids really do say the funniest things.

Today is also St. Patties day. Lucky for everyone this chick is not Irish :) instead I'm a crazy loud Italian who's butt is sitting at home with the kids. I've never celebrated this day. But b/c I love my kids and they talked about St. Patties day in school this past week, for dinner I made them green eggs and green pancakes. They loved it but my 2 yr old was pretty unsure of his green pancakes and instead of eating them, decided dunking them in his Gatorade was a better idea.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Operation declutter

has started today! One of my big goals for this deployment was to get this house decluttered and organized. We have so much crap. I am a throw awayer and my husband is a pack rat. And some how we've created little hoarders. My oldest refuses to throw anything away (like her father) it get ridiculous. We're talking trash, paper scraps, random trinkets, news papers just random crap. I save her pictures she draws but the rest has got to go. The sad part is she doesn't even notice when I go in her room and declutter. So thankfully I'm not scaring her for life by throwing away her stuff. Today I'm tackling the playroom. The kids have more toys then they know what to do with and never play with any of them. I've already made a huge dent. I am determined to have this house organized before my husband comes home.

Off I go to throw more stuff away and add to my donate pile!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Blog Hopping!

I joined a blog hop, hoping to get some new followers. If interested in blog hopping with me, check this out!

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* Wishing you a great week.

The dreaded D word

That nasty word that no military wife likes...Deployment. Ours has officially started. Blah, I don't even really know what to think about it. I'm still pretty numb at this point. I'm no new girl at this military thing. I'm an old salty Navy wife. I've been there done that a time or two. But deployments still suck. This deployment however is different. This time we have 2 more kids then we did last time. So I can't just lay in bed and cry my eyes out. I have 3 kids to stay strong for and a house that will crumble on top of me if I show weakness. I'm hoping that with the kids and all their activities I'm so busy time just flies. That's my hope anyway. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have days where it's just going to be a struggle to keep my chin up. I found this quote on Pintrest that I thought fit perfectly and could envision my mother saying to me.

Something about this quote just makes me smile. So I'll remember it when I'm having one of those days. I'm excited to start sending care packages. Those are always a lot of fun to put together. This time I'll have the kids to help so that will be fun and less work for me lol.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Kisses from Daddy" Jars

Awhile ago while surfing Pintrest for crafty ideas, I cam across these things called "kisses from daddy" jars. With my husband due to deploy in a few days, I've been looking for a type of countdown for the kids. I thought this one sounded cute. So off I went to Walmart to find little jars. They had cheap plastic ones for $1.97 but of course only had 1 and well, I needed 3. So I walked a little further down the isle to the glass ones. I ended up getting these cute little ones for $2.97. I had already been brainstorming on how I was going to decorate them. I thought stickers would be cute but then my friend Apryl suggested puffy paint. I thought that was a good idea, so I went in search of some. Walmart has cute little ones for .97 cents so I got a few different colors. Now I just needed to find some Hersey kisses. I was kicking myself for not stocking up on them when Valentines day was over and I could of gotten them for super cheap. Oh well, Easter candy is out and the cute pastel colors will work. I bought 4 days. I need ALOT of Hersey kisses b/c my husband will be gone a long time. Just a FYI when I got home and counted the kisses per bag (b/c they are bagged based on weight not numbers) they were only 69 kisses per bag, priced at $2.88. Crazy.

After getting home, I began my craft. Let me remind you that I am not a crafty person. I wish I was b/c I have lot of ideas. So I tried my best and I must say they turned out great. Our plan is to fill up the jars every month. At the end of the month we will celebrate 1 more month being down until Daddy gets home. Every night before bed, they'll get a kiss from daddy and we'll tell him we love him. This deployment is the first for my 2 youngest and the 2nd for my oldest. But she was a baby last time he left so this will be new for all of us. I just hope time flies!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My princess is sick

Poor girl is just pitiful. I haven't seen her this sick ever. She's got a killer immune system like her mama :)Yesterday evening she was complaining of stomach cramps. She was crying and I felt so bad. Not long after that she was throwing up everything. This poor little thing isn't able to hold anything down. As a mother I hate to see my child hurting. I want to make her feel all better. Thankfully for me I have a have a great friend going through med school right now that I can call to ask all my questions too. I always call her before considering going to the ER. The last place on earth I want to be. Spreading my child's sickness and leaving there with who knows what else. My poor little princess said to me this morning "Mama, I just want to be normal again. If I could find a wishing flower, I'd blow and wish to be myself again" :( breaks my heart she's sick.